Dear developers,
The Bittorrent-Chain has released a new version v1.0.3 to upgrade its delivery layer, the main modification includes: supporting go version 1.17, optimization of proposer rotation strategy to increase stability of the chain, optimization of checkpoint timer to increase the accuracy of the timer.
And also, the Bittorrent-Chain has released a new version v1.0.5 to upgrade its bttc layer, the main modification includes: supporting go version 1.17,optimization of rules to terminate bttc service.
For release note, please refer to:
delivery : Release v1.0.3 · bttcprotocol/delivery · GitHub
bttc:Release v1.0.5 · bttcprotocol/bttc · GitHub
Please upgrade your node, and inform us when you finish the work so that we can trace the status and make sure your node works well.
Bittorrent-Chain Developer Community